United States withdrawal from Saudi Arabia: In October 2018, US President Donald Trump said at a rally in Mississippi that the King of Saudi Arabia could not remain in power for two weeks without the support of US troops.
Last week, there was a report once again that America is going to remove the anti-missile system from Saudi. Oil is behind this conflict between Saudi and America.
President Donald Trump and King Salman of Saudi Arabia spoke on the phone on Friday and reiterated the resolve for a more robust defense partnership between the two countries.
This conversation between the two heads of state took place amidst the ongoing tension over oil production.
It was just reported that the US is going to remove two of its Patriot anti-missile assaults from Saudi Arabia, which were for protection from Iran.
Last month, Trump convinced Saudi Arabia to cut oil production.
At the beginning of the Coronavirus infection, Saudi had increased the production of oil, which had put a lot of pressure on the American oil companies.
United States withdrawal from Saudi Arabia: What will happen when America withdraws its support from Saudi Arabia?
Pressure on oil issues

White House spokesman Judd Deere said, “The two leaders agree on the importance of stability in the global energy market. Besides, the two leaders underscored the importance of defense partnerships.
The complex of territory between President Trump and King Salman And bilateral issues were also discussed. However, there was no mention of the Patriot missile in Saudi Arabia in the White House statement.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday confirmed that the US could withdraw its missile from Saudi Arabia. Pompeo also added later that this does not mean that the US is going to make any shortfall in support of Saudi Arabia, or it is to pressure the oil issues.
The US Secretary of State also said that this does not mean that Iran is not a threat to peace and stability in the entire region.
Trump warning

Pompeo said in Bena Shapiro’s radio show, “The Patriot missile battery was installed for a limited time. Now it needs to be brought back. This is a standard military decision.”
Saudi Arabia has said in its statement about the phone conversation with Trump that the United States has committed to the advantages and security of its allies.
Trump has also reiterated the political solution to the Yemen crisis. According to the news agency Reuters, US President Donald Trump called Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin-Salman and told him to cut oil production, or else US troops would be withdrawn from Saudi Arabia.
Trump said that he would not be able to prevent Congress from passing the bill against Saudi.
According to Reuters, “When efforts were being made by the US to end the ongoing oil war between Saudi Arabia and Russia, only then did President Donald Trump send a message to Mohammed bin Salman that he was severely shaken.
US President Trump issued a final warning to Saudi Arabia’s leader Mohammed bin Salman.
Trump himself gave this warning during a phone conversation with Salman. “
Effect of American Threats

A source aware of this entire incident has told the news agency Reuters about this phone conversation that took place on April 2. In this phone call, President Trump told Salman that if the Organization of the Oil Exporting Countries (OPEC) does not reduce its oil production level, then they will not have the power to stop the US lawmakers from passing the law that will be deployed in Saudi Arabia. US troops can be called back.
It was not yet revealed in this whole matter that the US used the bullying to break the 75-year-old strategic alliance, mainly to pressure Saudi Arabia.
Due to this pressure being created by the US, a global agreement has been reached to reduce the supply of oil.
The lockdown imposed by the Coronavirus is responsible for this agreement because there has been a considerable reduction in oil consumption worldwide due to reduced movement.
Due to this, the prices of oil continue to fall drastically. This settlement is a strategic victory for the US administration.
The withdrawal of military support from President Trump was said to the Crown Prince ten days before the agreement.
Meanwhile, Salman is staggered

According to Reuters, the Saudi Arabian leader was so moved after hearing Trump’s threat that he instructed all his assistants to leave the room so that he could talk to Trump alone.
These efforts show how serious the US President is to protecting the interests of the American oil industry during this oil crisis born in the Coronavirus era.
President Trump’s stance on oil organizations, in general, has been critical.
They have been condemning the oil organizations for reducing the supply because of the American public has to buy gasoline at high prices.
But now, Trump has changed his old position and asked the Organization of the Oil Exporting Countries, OPEC, to reduce the supply.
A senior US official has told Reuters that the US administration explicitly informed Saudi leaders that without decreasing oil production, “the US Congress cannot stop bringing legislation that could lead to the withdrawal of US troops.”
This senior officer conveyed this message in a line from the US to Saudi Arabia through different diplomatic forums. They said that The US had told Saudi Arabia, “We are saving your industry while you are destroying our industry.”
What did Trump say

Reuters asked this question during an interview with Trump on Wednesday evening whether he had warned Mohammed bin Salman about the withdrawal of US troops.
To this, Trump said, “I didn’t have to say this to him. I think he and President Putin have shown a lot of sense. They knew that they had a problem, and then it came out (solution).”
When Trump was asked what he had said to Mohammed bin Salman, he said, “Those people were having trouble reaching a solution.
After that, I talked to them over the phone and found a solution to the shortage of oil production.”
The Saudi Arabian government declined to comment on this.
But a Saudi official has told Reuters, on the condition of anonymity, that the solution involves the wishes of OPEC countries and the Russian Federation countries.
Did you say, Saudi Arabia?

Refusing to comment on the talks between Saudi Arabia and the United States, this Saudi official said that Saudi Arabia, the United States, and Russia played an essential role in the decision to reduce oil production.
Still, the cooperation of 23 other countries involved in the agreement was not possible without America.
A week before negotiations between Trump and Mohammed bin Salman, US Republican Senators Kevin Kramer and Dan Sullivan introduced a bill stipulating that if Saudi Arabia did not reduce its oil production, US troops, Patriot missiles, and anti-Missile Defense System to be removed from Saudi Arabia.
The bill introduced by Republican lawmakers was also getting support because the US Congress is already angry with the conflict between Russia and Saudi Arabia over oil prices at the wrong time.
Saudi Arabia increased the global supply of oil in April last year after Russia violated another OPEC oil supply agreement.
After this, on April 12, under the pressure of Trump, an agreement was signed between the world’s largest oil-producing countries under which it was decided to reduce oil production.
OPEC, Russia, and other allied oil-producing countries are reducing by 9.7 million barrels per day (ten percent of global production).
Of this, a shortfall of 2.5 million barrels per day is coming from Saudi Arabia and Russia.
A large part of the budget of these countries comes from the revenue coming from oil and gas.
Recession period continues

Despite the agreement to reduce the amount of global oil production by ten percent, worldwide oil prices continue to decrease.
Oil sellers in America have advised buyers to buy only as much oil as they can store in the coming days.
Meanwhile, the futures market of oil has fallen below zero dollars.
The global oil commodity, Brent Futures, has fallen to $ 15 a barrel from $ 70 a barrel at the beginning of the year.
This is the level that has not been seen since the crisis related to oil prices that came out in 1999.
The stand of American lawmakers

The agreement on supply shortage may ultimately increase oil prices as governments around the world have begun to relax the lockdown.
And with the increase in movement, along with the demand for oil, prices will also see an improvement.
Whatever may be the effect of this agreement, one thing is sure this agreement has told about the American influence on the global oil supply.
Kremer, a Republican MP from North Dakota, told Reuters that he had spoken to Trump on March 30 to remove US troops from Saudi Arabia.
And three days after that, Trump called Mohammed bin Salman. When US Energy Minister Dan Brullette was asked if Trump had talked about withdrawing US military support from Saudi Arabia.
So he said that the President had secured all measures to protect the interests of American producers.
It also includes “our support for their security-related needs.” The ongoing strategic alliance between the US and Saudi Arabia took place on a US ship Quincy’s navy (Navy cruiser) of US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Saudi King Abdul Aziz bin Saud.
An agreement was reached between the US and Saudi Arabia in this meeting. Under this agreement, the US had decided to deploy its troops in exchange for Saudi oil reserves.
Currently, there are three thousand troops in Saudi Arabia. And the fifth fleet of the US Navy protects the oil exports from this region.
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