The Relation Between China and Taiwan: Taiwan not yet received the invitation to attend the WHO meeting

The Relation Between China and Taiwan:

The Relation Between China and Taiwan: Taiwan not yet received the invitation to attend the WHO meeting: The World Health Organization (WHO) is scheduled to hold a major meeting this week regarding the condition of the coronavirus. Taiwan has not yet been invited to this meeting due to an obstacle imposed by China. Expressing its displeasure over the issue, Taiwan’s foreign MinistryMinistry gave information about it.

Last week, the US Mission in Geneva urged WHO chief Tedros Adhomine Grabecius to invite Taiwan to the WHO’s decision-making body, the ‘World Health Assembly’ (WHA). On Sunday, Taiwan’s foreign MinistryMinistry said that Taiwan had not yet received an invitation to a virtual meeting of 194 member states.

The Ministry said the Foreign Ministry had expressed strong regret and dissatisfaction for the Taiwanese participating in the WHO meeting for obstructing by China and for violating the health and human rights of 23 million Taiwanese people on behalf of the WHO.

Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry stated sternly, the WHO refused to invite Taiwan based on political views, making fun of the body’s claim of ‘health for all’.

Taiwan is excluded from most global organizations such as WHO due to China’s objections. China considers Taiwan as one of its provinces and does not recognize it as a sovereign state.

The WHO states that it is up to the member states to invite Taiwan to visit the WHA meeting. Countries around the world have praised Taiwan for its handling of the coronavirus. Taiwan, supported by the United States, has expressed its desire to attend this meeting to angered China this year.

China’s mission at the United Nations in Geneva on Friday condemned the perverse US comment on Taiwan, saying the island can only participate in this meeting if it acknowledges being part of China. However, Taipei’s government has refused to do so.

The Relation Between China and Taiwan

Tensions between China and Taiwan have been continuing for some time. There have been repeated fears from Taiwan that China can attack it anytime. Meanwhile, Taiwan has taken a shocking step. Taiwan has imposed anti-landing spikes on its beaches.

According to a report, Taiwan has done so from a security point of view. Actually, anti-landing spikes are iron rods in away. Taiwan has planted these anti-landing spikes on the seacoast of Kinmen Island. 

So that the Chinese army could not reach there by sea route, not only this, Taiwan has also deployed tanks a short distance from the spikes. They are clearly visible from a distance. According to the report, there is a discussion in Taiwan that it is possible that a memorial is being built on the coast. Tensions between China and Taiwan are at the peak of the moment.

Tensions between the two escalated when the two countries’ diplomats broke out in Fiji. At the same time, the US has increased its strength several times by giving Harpoon power to Taiwan. The US has entered into a military agreement with Taiwan. Under this, the US is selling $ 600 million in armed drones to Taiwan.

It is believed that Taiwan will help maintain its military power and political stability after receiving arms from the US. Recently, China’s foreign ministry spokesman Wang Web had said that the US should cancel the military agreement with Taiwan. Taiwan is a part of China, and we will not tolerate the interference of any foreign power in it.

Spokesperson Wang also said that if the US does not cancel the agreement to sell arms to Taiwan, it will deteriorate relations between China and the United States. Also, the peace of Taiwan and China can be affected. America’s Harpoon missile is considered extremely powerful. It is capable of destroying warships as well as ground targets.

About the author

Praneet Thakur

Praneet Thakur is a dynamic entrepreneur and SEO expert from Mumbai, known for founding startups like ShoutRank and World Wire. His expertise in digital marketing and passion for blogging have helped clients achieve top rankings in competitive markets. As an editor for World-Wire, Praneet has made significant contributions to the internet news and marketing industry.

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