Kash Patel on The Charlie Kirk Show About Bill Barr, Durham, and Ketanji Brown Jackson

Kash Patel on The Charlie Kirk Show

The Charlie Kirk Show is a popular conservative daily news, society and culture radio show on the Salem News Network. The radio show is hosted by American conservative activist and the Founder and President of Turning Point USA, Charlie Kirk.

The Charlie Kirk Show deals with prominent conservative issues, on which Kirk provides his insights, and ‘’brings you a daily dose of clarity in a sea of cultural chaos’’. Kash Patel, the conservative attorney and an ally of former President Donald Trump, was recently invited to the Charlie Kirk Show, on an episode titled “Trump Sues EVERYONE, Durham, Bill Barr, and More—Unfiltered with Kash Patel”.

Kash Patel

In conversation with host Charlie Kirk, Kash provided his expert opinion on Trump’s new lawsuit, in which he sues almost everybody involved with the Russia hoax, and also gives an explanation as to why it is likely Trump’s best lawsuit yet. Kash provided an update on Durham’s investigation before discussing Bill Barr’s new book and the former A.G.’s criticism of himself.

Charlie and Kash also discussed some of the personnel mistakes made in the first Trump administration and what changes would need to be made in a second administration in order to ensure success. Towards the end of the episode, Kash delivered his contrarian opinion on Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Supreme Court nomination and why he believes this may be the best we can hope for from President Biden.

Kash Patel says Trump’s lawsuit on the Russia hoax is “the most conclusive, comprehensive lawsuit”

In conversation with Kash Patel, host Charlie Kirk asked the former White House official his thoughts on former President Donald Trump filing a lawsuit to sue everyone involved in the Russia hoax.

“You’re a former federal prosecutor, you understand how this whole world works…I wanna ask your thoughts on the news yesterday…Donal Trump filed a lawsuit yesterday” -said Charlie.

Patel replied by calling Trump’s lawsuit the ‘’conclusive, comprehensive lawsuit’’ by the former President, and dived into an explanation of how RICO plays its part in the lawsuit.

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“Yeah and it’s probably the most conclusive, comprehensive lawsuit.’’ -Kash said. It’s basically if you took the Russia investigation which Devin and I ran and looked at it from a criminal perspective, what Donald Trump has done has said, ‘Okay, how do I encompass everyone from Comey, Clinton, Clapper, Brennan and all the whole DNC crew on down, how do I get them civilly in federal court?’…And the way you do it is you utilise this thing called RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations).’’

“We used to prosecute gangs under RICO. But what most people don’t realise is that RICO also has a civil function. What he (Trump) did was he took the RICO statute which is permissible by law and said ‘These guys orchestrated the largest criminal enterprise in US history, but I’m suing them on the civil side of the house.’’ -Patel added.

“President Trump’s idea to make Patel Deputy Director of the FBI showed a detachment from reality’’ -Kash Patel and Kirk discuss Bill Barr’s new book

In conversation with Charlie Kirk on The Charlie Kirk Show, Kash Patel and Kirk talked about former Attorney General Bill Barr’s new book titled ‘One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General’ which was recently published early in March this year.

Charlie Kirk

Kash Patel said that Barr takes him out in his new book by saying that he wasn’t fit to be appointed as the Deputy Director of the FBI because he lacked enough experience.

“He (Barr) -his book where he takes me out…He said he thought President Trump’s idea to make me the Deputy Director of the FBI showed a detachment from reality because I didn’t have the experience except for the fact that he became Attorney General at 37, let’s-let’s put that aside…’’ -Kash said. ‘’You were a federal prosecutor’’ -put in Charlie, to which Kash added, “…and a public defender and an intelligence official.”

“And now he’s going around doing this book tour on every fake news media channel including and then, unfortunately, Fox News has given him airtime” -added Kash.

“We did not have the right personnel” -Kash on mistakes made in the first Trump administration

Charlie Kirk asked Kash Patel about the personnel problems during the first tenure of the Trump administration, to which Kash replied saying that they didn’t “pick the right people”.

“You and I are both friends of the President, President Trump, we’re both in his orbit, and we both wanna see him win again, but it seems like personnel was just a problem” -said Kirk.

Kash Patel

“We did not have the right personnel from the jump, and it crippled the presidency along with the Russia gate hoax for at least the first two to three years of his presidency and that’s basically all of it. We kept the group in charge at whatever time (and) kept picking the wrong people. We finally started to get it right with the likes of Rick Grinell and Johnny Radcliff and all those guys we started putting in place but we have the bench, we just didn’t pick the right people” -Kash replied.

Towards the end of the segment, Charlie Kirk discussed the former federal prosecutor’s unfiltered opinion on the “radical that might be on the Supreme Court”, AKA Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first Black woman to have been nominated to the Supreme Court for the position of Justice. Ketanji Brown Jackson is expected to get confirmed this week.




About the author

Roshan Ray

Roshan Ray is a versatile contributor at World-Wire, specializing in finance, celebrities, politics, and general news. He combines a deep understanding of finance with sharp political insights. Roshan also plays a key role in editorial leadership.

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