Former US Secretary of State and former senator Hillary Clinton spoke during the New York Democratic Party 2022 state Nominating Convention, in New York City on 17th February 2022.
Hillary Clinton says Russia remains a threat to “Europe, democracy and global stability” and should be kept out of international organizations like the G20.
The former secretary of state and Democratic presidential nominee of 2016 also suggested imposing even greater costs” on Russian President Vladimir Putin as punishment for invading Ukraine.
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This comment was made by Clinton during an appearance on Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Bros Unleashed.
“The only way that we’re going to end the bloodshed and the terror that we’re seeing unleashed in Ukraine, and protect Europe and democracy, is to do everything we can to impose even greater costs on Putin. More banks can be sanctioned. There is an increasing call for doing more on gas and oil,” Clinton told host Chuck Todd.
‘The time has come to double down the pressure’
Todd also asked if she felt the United States was “holding back” against Putin and Russia, to which Clinton replied that she thinks the US is looking at this war with its “eyes wide open.”
Clinton said that Vladimir Putin has not only possessed a threat to Ukraine but also to Europe, democracy and the global stability that they thought they were building in the last 20 years.
She said she would not allow Russia back into the organisation that it has been part of. She would not permit Russia to take part in the upcoming G20 later in the year.
The only way that they are going to end the bloodshed and the terror that they are seeing unleashed in Ukraine and protect Europe and democracy, is to do everything they can to impose even greater costs on Putin, according to Clinton.
She further added that she agrees with Secretary of State Antony Blinken that the US has to keep the apprehension on Russia.
Clinton said that additional pressure should be used to deepen the strain on the economy of Russia. “We should focus on what we can do right now to protect and defend the rights of the Ukrainian people to be a free Democratic people.”
She said that there are more banks that can be sanctioned and taken out of the so-called SWIFT relationship. There is an increasing alarm for doing more on gas and oil. Now, some of their strongest allies in Europe are desperately trying to get out from under their dependence upon Russian energy.
She added that they need to accelerate and she knows that the Biden administration has been doing that, they are looking at more deliveries of softened natural gas.
European countries and the U.S have imposed remarkable sanctions on Putin and other Russian oligarchs since Russia invaded Ukraine.
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